Sunday, October 31, 2010
i just find its so hard to trust anyone now...i find that friendship don't last long nowadays..first you will be so close to this person cause u think that this person is like u know...understands you well bt there comes a point where you find that that person is actually just using u...seek you during trouble times and when that person is alone and have no yone to talk to..BULLSHIT i'm tellin..it hurts u know seriously it does.....i trusted so much..helped you when yr down be there for you when u need someone but in return you gave me nothing than pain....its not like im askin you to treat me as how i've treated you but at least don't use me...do i look like a tissue paper that you use..use it and throw in the dustbin beside u..when yr with yr friends and im there you don't even give a shit bout me...you dont even know whether i exist when yr alone you expect me to be there wit u cause yr scared to be alone..trust me you always complain bout others bt now i do think that yr behaviour and the way you treat friends(so called friends)like shit...no wonder nobody treat you good.stop blaming others when the fault is all yours...try to sit down alone and think bout what have you done for others.........its a pain i'm tellin u..trust me if you keep on behavin like this someday when you fall down there won't be anyone wit you to help you to get up....you'll have to do it by own and i t don't think you are strong enough to do...so learn how to treat yr friends like friends for real...cause there is nobody better than yr friends...don't end up like a ........
Friday, October 29, 2010
I never really liked u...after getting to know u i think i really like u now...i wouldn't say yr handsome or cute or blah blah bt something about you makes me to go ooolalalla...there's something about you but till this moment i x know wat it is...eventhough i know there's nothing can happen between us but i still hope that you'll be my friend..not to say i have feelings for u bt i got this wish that i hope that i can see and talk to you almost everyday..it would be more than enough..i never ask for this to happen to me..i never had this kinda feeling towards anyone till now but now i do..yyyy????is it true feelings????i x know..but right now this moment i gave up on you because of someone..i think that u might like this person cause she is much much better than me...she is more feminine,sweeter won't use foul words wherby i use it like almost everyday..hahaha she suits you more than i do i guess..ahhh wat rubish am i talking..its okay it will take some time for me to get back to normal but i'll try my level best..perhaps i think i gotta crush on u..don't mistaken me after all i'm just a normal girl who has the same feelings as other girls at the age of 18..sorry......forgive me if i've changed yr impression about me..i may act or look like i x care bt deep down inside i do.....
18th OF LIVING.....
Hey dad and mom thanks for the very advance b'day gift..it was awesome..eventhough the bear is in pink bt i still love it..and yea thanks for the cool ferrero rocher chocolate..suprinsly u guys gave me that much of chocolate whereby normally amma won;t even let me to eat a single piece of sweet stuffs..btw my 18th gift is really nice..something i wanted for a very long time..FINALLY GOT IT..thanks guys...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
actually i'm not a fan of korean stuffs but just recently i found a korea boy band called shinee..really nice..i like them for their energetic dance moves in their video and also the lead singers voice..his name is ONEW...he's voice kinda cool and when he sing english songs he dont even have any korean accent....he sang the song i'm yours by jason mraz...not bad...quite nice...
I find both the song and the video cool...paramore's hayley william rock man..her voice damn awesome....
He Is No More.......
Biography forBrandon Lee
Date of Birth
1 February 1965, Oakland, California, USADate of Death
31 March 1993, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA (accidental gunshot wound from faulty prop revolver)Birth Name
Brandon Bruce LeeHeight
6' (1.83 m)Mini Biography
He was born on February 1, 1965 to Bruce Lee (Martial Arts idol) and Linda Lee. Brother to Shannon Lee. In 1965 they moved to Hong Kong where Brandon became fluent in Cantonese by the age of 8. He attended Boston's Art-Oriented Emerson College in Massachusetts. He studied Martial Arts and drama, like his father. In 1983 he was expelled from school because of misbehavior, but received his diploma at Miraleste High school. He was in "Rapid Fire", "Showdown Little Tokyo", and a few more films, including "The Crow". He turned down offers to be in "Dragon: The Bruce Lee story". Bruce died (while filming) at the age of 32, of what is to be believed, a brain hemorrhage. Brandon died at the age of 28 on the set of "The Crow". The film crew shot a scene in which it was decided to use a gun without consent from the weapons coordinator, who had been sent home early that night. They handed Michael Massee the gun loaded with full power blanks and shot the scene, unaware a bullet head from an inert round had accidentally been lodged in the barrel. Even though the gun was pointed away from Lee, the force from the blank curved the flight of the bullet head and it shattered his spinal cord. The crew only noticed when Lee was slow getting up. The doctors worked desperately for five hours, but it was no use. After his spinal cord was shattered, he had no chance of survival. He was pronounced dead at 1:04 pm the next day. He was supposed to marry Eliza Hutton on April 17. His body was flown to Seattle to be buried beside his father in Lake View Cemetery.
Hold on.....i find this song is really nice..the lyrics are great..meaningful!!!
I've been there a thousand times,
I've felt the rain like a thousand knives.
And it hurts,
I know it hurts!
I've been there like a fighter plane,
Tryin' fly my way through a hurricane.
And it's hard,
I know it's hard!
Don't be afraid,
You'll make it through,
Just call out to me and I'll come running to you!
Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder.
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over,
And I'll be fighting for you.
Just give me your hand and,
Hold on!
I'll give you hope, I'll give you faith!
And if it's dark, I'll light the way,
For you, for you!
By your side, until the end,
Until you're standing tall again!
I'm here, I'll always be here.
And if the tide, sweeps you out to sea,
When your strength is gone, and it's hard to believe!
Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder!
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over.
And I'll be fighting for you,
Just give me your hand!
Ooooo so...
Hold on, hold on!
When the current pulls you under,
And your heart beats like thunder!
Just give me your hand.
And hold on, hold on!
Until the storm is over,
And I'll be fighting for you!
Just give me your hand,
And hold on, hold on!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Love those roses....
something bout roses that makes me something...attracted to flowers and can't stop loving them..i think they are the most beatiful thing i've seen im my life....
Collection Of Roses......
Red Rose stands for; Love, Passion, Respect
White Rose stands for; Love Brides Rose and Purity
Yeller Rose stands for; Joy, Friendship and Promise
Pink Rose stands for; Grace and Sweet Thoughts
Funny how giving the wrong colored rose might send the wrong message.
Roses are the ultimate flower for expression of emotion or feeling. As a gift, rosesroses can convey different meanings if the person receiving them knows the symbolism attached to the various colorscolors of rosesroses. Over the years, the meanings behind the different colorscolors of rosesroses have evolved to cover many sentiments. Red is the most commonly given color of rosesroses. Red signifies love and passion. True red is the rose for lovers. Fiery red rosesroses signify passion, while cardinal red symbolizes desire. Fully bloomed red rosesrosesbest convey the message “I still love you,” while red rose buds are a way to express love for the first time.
rosesroses once meant jealousy, but today the yellow rose signifies friendship, familiar love, and domestic happiness. Yellow roses can also be an appropriate sentiment to express sympathy.
White rosesroses are sometimes called the “flower of light” and are the bride’s rosesroses. They symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity, and a love stronger than death. White rosesroses can be mixed with red to emphasize the meaning of love, while white rose buds are an appropriate gift to a young girl from her father. ![]()
rosesroses represent majestic glory and can symbolize eternal love, while lavender or lilac rosesroses signify love at first sight or the beginning of true feelings. Purple rosesrosesare appropriate for wedding anniversaries beyond 25 years and as memorial flowers for a lost spouse. Deep purple rosesroses should be reserved for intimate situations. ![]() Black rosesroses are symbolic of death. Many people view black rosesroses as an omen, but they can signify change or rejuvenation on the horizon, as some rose buds appear black but then bloom into crimson red. The meaning of black rosesroses may not be understood or well received as a gift, so you should avoid this color if you are at all unsure of the recipient’s beliefs. ![]() Many colorscolors of rosesroses come in various shades, which can signify slightly different meanings from their primary colorscolors. Mixing different colors
For once i'm happy being in AIMST!!!!
Ms.Vijaya & A5
BYEbye ms.vijayaratna...learning biology wit u and yr jokes+video was really 1 good time...can't get back that moments...but somehow yr away from us for a better future..best of luck in yr upcoming projects but if u don't like yr new place pls pls do come back to aimst and teach april badge......yr really 1 awesome lecturer....young and pretty both in and out...thanks for everything!!!love u always and biology term 2 banyak la nak hafal..haizzzz......
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