Friday, October 1, 2010

Collection Of Roses......

Red Rose stands for; Love, Passion, Respect

White Rose stands for; Love Brides Rose and Purity

Yeller Rose stands for; Joy, Friendship and Promise

Pink Rose stands for; Grace and Sweet Thoughts

Funny how giving the wrong colored rose might send the wrong message.

Roses are the ultimate flower for expression of emotion or feeling. As a gift, rosesroses can convey different meanings if the person receiving them knows the symbolism attached to the various colorscolors of rosesroses. Over the years, the meanings behind the different colorscolors of rosesroses have evolved to cover many sentiments.

Red is the most commonly given color of rosesroses. Red signifies love and passion. True red is the  rose for lovers. Fiery red rosesroses signify passion, while cardinal red symbolizes desire. Fully bloomed red rosesrosesbest convey the message “I still love you,” while red rose buds are a way to express love for the first time.


rosesroses once meant jealousy, but today the yellow rose signifies friendship, familiar love, and domestic happiness. Yellow roses can also be an appropriate sentiment to express sympathy.
.Orange roses symbolize an expression of pride or amazement, while peach roses symbolize appreciation and desire. A bouquet of orangeroses would be appropriate for a graduate or to commemorate a promotion, while peach could express sincere appreciation for someone’s accomplishments.

rosesroses signify elegance, gentility, and poetic romance, without the seriousness signified by red. Pink rosesroses are more light-hearted than red and can signify mere admiration or sweetness of thought. Light pinkrosesroses can signify both sympathy and friendship, while dark pink is symbolic of appreciation and thankfulness. A mixture of pink and redrosesroses signifies a romantic relationship

White rosesroses are sometimes called the “flower of light” and are the bride’s rosesroses. They symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity, and a love stronger than death. White rosesroses can be mixed with red to emphasize the meaning of love, while white rose buds are an appropriate gift to a young girl from her father.


rosesroses represent majestic glory and can symbolize eternal love, while lavender or lilac rosesroses 
signify love at first sight or the beginning of true feelings. Purple rosesrosesare appropriate for wedding anniversaries beyond 25 years and as memorial flowers for a lost spouse. Deep purple rosesroses should be reserved for intimate situations.

Black rosesroses are symbolic of death. Many people view black rosesroses as an omen, but they can signify change or rejuvenation on the horizon, as some rose buds appear black but then bloom into crimson red. The meaning of black rosesroses may not be understood or well received as a gift, so you should avoid this color if you are at all unsure of the recipient’s beliefs.

Many colorscolors of rosesroses come in various shades, which can signify slightly different meanings from their primary colorscolors. Mixing different colors
colorstogether in one bouquet is an excellent way to convey a mixture of emotions when one sentiment is not enough.
As if color weren’t enough to express your innermost thoughts, there are still more ways that roses can convey your message. For example, while fresh flowers in a bouquet - like roses in full bloom-express deep gratitude, a single rose says “I still love you.” A bouquet of rosebuds - representing innocent love - says “you are forever young and beautiful.” And a thornless rose says “love at first sight,” while the tea rose says “I’ll remember you always.”

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